2023 Session Outcomes: Earned Sick and Safe Time

2 Nov 2023


Employers are also mandated to provide one hour of fully paid sick time for every 30 hours worked, up to 48 hours a year with a carry over up to 80 hours, including temporary and part-time employees. Employees must be paid at the same rate they would earn if they were working. Employees may take this time off to care for a broad-based definition of “family members.” The Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) oversees compliance and penalties and can be used in tandem - “stacked” - with Paid Family Medical Leave. This will take effect January 1, 2024.

New sick and safe leave earnings statement requirements

Employers in Minnesota must provide earnings statements with certain required information to all employees at the end of each pay period.

Earnings statements are important payroll records for employers and employees that document information about wages paid, hours worked, deductions made and benefits accrued by an employee.

Earnings statements must include at least the following information:

Read the full article here.