State Services for the Blind Assists Judy in Pursuing a Graduate Degree

26 Oct 2023


Reading can be a significant component for many jobs, and in training to prepare people for employment. Reviewing policies, going through training materials, consulting manuals and references – such activities are a routine part of lots of jobs across many sectors.

When an employer is considering a new hire who has a disability that prevents them from reading standard print, that employer might reasonably wonder whether such a candidate is right for the job. Millions of Americans have a print disability. A print disability can be sensory, physical, or neurological  - anything that makes the task of reading difficult.

The mission of the Communication Center at State Services for the Blind (SSB) is to provide access to the printed word to Minnesotans with a print disability. “Our goal,” says Director Natasha Jerde, “is to connect folks to the material they need in the format that works for them.”

Read the full article here.