Fairmont is Dedicated to Its Businesses!

20 Oct 2023


“The Fairmont Economic Development Authority (FEDA) has a mission to support the successful growth and pride of the Fairmont area businesses and citizens,” said Ned Koppen, Economic Development Coordinator for FEDA. The city of Fairmont, MN, has several location advantages that businesses benefit from. One major advantage is the FEDA department’s dedication to helping local businesses succeed here! The department helps coordinate everything from site reviews to incentives that can help your business thrive!

Fairmont’s Economic Development Authority Helping Businesses Succeed!

The FEDA is a one-stop shop for all of your business’s development needs including economic development, planning & zoning, and building codes. Our staff is available to advise businesses regarding a wide variety of business topics. The staff can also assist in site selection, financial assistance, and start-ups, expansions, or relocation advice. Click here to learn more about the FEDA and how it can help your business succeed here in Fairmont!